Photo Cred: @ShesGracieJ
It’s a struggle navigating any industry as creatives, as black creatives, as nail techs, let alone as black nail tech creatives. But despite your racial identity, there are a number of things within the industry that irritate the mess out of me, but nothing grinds my gears more than these below. I know y’all can most certainly relate.
Your marketing and promotional trial and errors are not our problem.
1. Nail artists are consistently being left out of conversations when it’s been and continues to be such a major part of mainstream, pop, hype-beast and trending culture. Especially black women’s influence and countless contributions to this medium of artistry.
Somehow hair, makeup, and styling are always highlighted, but we’re seldom invited in to discuss topics that so greatly affect us too. On set, at trade-shows and throughout Fashion Week, we’re always banished to the far corners like Gollum out of LOTR. Our input isn’t respected and the slight showcase of personality suddenly becomes unprofessional.
The slight showcase of personality suddenly becomes unprofessional.
2. People forget that nail art is actually “ART”. Just because it’s on a smaller canvas (which requires even more skill), doesn’t make it less important. There’s such a lack of appreciation and respect for nail artists. Especially black nail artists.
Just because it looks crazy, doesn’t mean it’s actually wearable. So please save me your comments about “why would anyone do that?!”. Because art bih!
3. The lack of representation of black nail artists. Don’t wait for trending social shifts like these past few weeks to bombard our inboxes (amidst us grieving, traumatized and exhausted) wanting to align yourselves with us because you’re under fire from your audience and the media. Make it consistent and continuous, not just for summer 2020 🙄
Creations black women innovated that were once deemed ghetto, are now fashion chic the minute it’s recycled and slapped on a white model, on a major label’s runway, or a white celebrity. It never gets old. I’ve seen non black nail artists openly claim and take credit for styles black women have done and made a part of their beauty routines for ages! 🤦🏽♀️
4. STOP asking us to work for free, pay us our rates and credit us for our work. Your marketing and promotional trial and errors are not our problem. Pay artists for their time, labor and talent. PERIOD.
5. Stop poaching our content for your business’ agenda without our consent. Brands like Cosmopolitan Magazine under a multimillion dollar umbrella company, has done this to me in the past. Exploiting artists isn’t cool. There’s something called intellectual property. Abide by it and pay us for usage!
I think we can all agree there’s a lot that needs to improve in the industry. If we’re ever to procure permanent change, we all need to be on the same page. Or at least in the same book.
Starting with saying no to job offers that do not serve you will send a message to the industry that they need to do better and come correct. You guys know I been sick and tired of these antics and whew chile, idk if I can durrr it anymore. She is fatigued.